Thursday, March 6, 2008

Rachel sings I am a Child of God

Since I can't seem to incorporate video into my blog, I have to do it via YouTube (my latest fixation anyway). However, let's see if I can link this so you can just click on it and view it. If it doesn't work, go to and type in "Rachel sings I am a child of God" and it should pop up. Here goes....

This was filmed in early December. The email of her singing Winnie the Pooh was filmed just a few days ago. Winnie the Pooh can be accessed via Youtube also, by searching for "Rachel sings Winnie the Pooh"


princess jen said...

I wonder if your videos are too large and that's why they won't upload. They might still be under Blogger's 100MB limit, but the computer might time out because it takes too long.

princess jen said...

BTW, I saw both the videos. Very cute Rachel!!

Sara and Company said...

That seriously made my day!!!....night...whatever! What a star performer you have there. She is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing.