Look what happens when Papa holds her....
Gracey actually said her first full sentence yesterday when I was holding her--something to the effect of "You're my favorite after Mommy and Daddy." Of course I was thrilled but felt a little bad for Carl.
One or both of us try to visit Gracey every other day, which so far has worked out pretty well. It's nice to go together, but when we go separately we don't have to share holding her (and I DON'T like to share!!).
On every visit invariably some medical personnel comments on how beautiful Gracey is. A member of the IV team said yesterday Grace is the prettiest baby she's seen (and she's seen many.) You may think she says that to everyone, but one look at Gracey and you know it's true.
Anyway, we look forward to our next visit with this beautiful angel, who teaches us so much just by being here. Thank you, Bugs and Toph, for the gift of Gracey. We love her and both of you more than you know.
I'm not so sure that was a happy face.
She truly is beautiful! How great of you to be able to visit so frequently. But it sounds like you should just stick to the going alone schedule! Hee hee
she is so beautiful. not that i'm biased or anything. i'm glad you guys visit her so much. she definitely needs the love! and...by the way...she'd be MUCH happier with a bow in her hair...(they're in the top drawer of her bed stand...in a container that says "grace's bows"...you should use one next time...trust me...she'd smile!)
Yay! a blog!! Go you! I thought you had forgotten how to post, but alas - you remembered!! Great pics of the little one. Oh, and she doesn't look that happy when you hold her - rather "her again!?" ;) j/k. Thanks for the post.
More Gracey pics! Yay! I can never get enough, seeing as how everyone has gotten to hold her now, except for me! Grr.. I'm glad you finally got another post up!
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